‘What kind of animals?’ Trudi asked, as everything from taffeta to winceyette suddenly went up in flames.” “ ‘Or we could lead an even simpler life,’ Charlene said hurriedly, ‘a life where there are no machines and where we would live on a green hillside and sleep under the stars and gather kindling in the woods. Trudi begins to panic, as she smells smoke, but Charlene carries on imagining their future life: At first, it seems weird when they marvel at fabrics and such while noting that there is an alert for fire in the haberdashery department. I particularly liked the first and last stories, where two ingenuous girls wander through shops, dreaming aloud in detail about their perfect weddings one day while “the end of the world” is actually taking place around them. I think these could be fables for our time. I always enjoy her ingenuity and ideas and writing style. At first, it seems weird when t 4★Ī favourite author, a favourite genre (short stories), and a theme I enjoy – recurring characters.

4★ A favourite author, a favourite genre (short stories), and a theme I enjoy – recurring characters.